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Drama director, St. Petersburg, SPbGATI,

graduated from the acting and directing course of professor, laureate of the State Prize G.M. Kozlov

Chief director of the St. Petersburg theater "Masterskaya"

Drama director, St. Petersburg, SPbGATI,

graduated from the acting and directing course of professor, laureate of the State Prize G.M. Kozlov

Chief director of the St. Petersburg theater "Masterskach",


From 2004-2008 - worked in Europe (Dresden) as part of the "Derevo" group. "Golden Mask" as part of the Derevo group, a special prize at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, a performance by Ketzal.

In 2008-09 he collaborated with the theater of artists - performers AKHE (Antresol, theater on Vasilyevsky).

From 2007-2010 - artistic director and director of the "Visual Theater", the object of research of which was modern life.

Currently director of the theater "Workshop", St. Petersburg.

Since September 2019, he has been the chief director of the Masterskaya Theatre.

Honored Art Worker of South Ossetia.




- 2007 - "Baralgin" (received a diploma from STD Moscow-project Peter Moscow-Peter), the premiere took place in the Museum. F.M. Dostoevsky.


-2008 - Macedonia. "Birds". Together with the Dostoevsky Museum. The author of the idea is Tino Svyatozarov.


- 2009 - "Chronicle" (best performance, director's laboratory "ONTeatr", Leningrad City Council Theater)


- 2009 - staging in the Theater Company "Open Space" (free version of Aristophanes "Lysistratus") performance "Stereotype 4".


- 2009 - episodes from "Solomea" by O. Wilde. Festival at the Youth Theater on the Fontanka.


- 2010 - documentary story, play "Offside", the premiere took place on the small stage of the MDT (St. Petersburg), the play received the main prize "For the best director's work" at the festival "ArtOkraina" (St. Petersburg), October 2010.


- 2010 - staging of the dance exercise "Not connection", (Choreography, modern dance with artists of the Mikhailovsky Theater).


2010 - artistic director of the festival of contemporary art "Street. Place. For everyone.", Producer M. Avimskaya, with the support of the committee on youth policy of St. Petersburg. (theater, music, painting, graphics)


2011 - director's work based on A. Nikonov's poem "Trimedin" performed by the author (Sigmund Freud Museum, St. Petersburg)


2011 - curator of the graffiti action "Dostoevsky and Cosmos" (Center for Contemporary Art named after S. Kuryokhin and the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg)


2012 - "Mr. Lolita" - the author of the staging and the director of the synthetic project based on the novel "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. Together with the group "Christmas Toys" and VJ Oleg Mikhailov.


2013 - Director of the play "Andrey Ivanovich returns home. » Bylina of the present time based on the poem of the same name by F.I. Grimberg. Premiere (theater-festival Baltic House). TC "Open space". (Festival "Christmas Parade" - award for the best performance for artistic integrity. For revealing the image of Andrei Ivanovich. festival Art Outskirts - prize for the best female role, "Golden Soffit" - the best male role, the best work of the artist)


2013 - "Hamlet" Shakespeare's tragedy. South Ossetia, Tskhinval. State Drama Theater named after K. Khetagurov.


2013 - "Blog$ blue$ & business" solo performance based on the stories of the writer - blogger Alexander Utkin performed by the author. (Winner of the award for the best book blogger in 2013). Theater "Island". Producer.


2014 - Director. The author of the staging “Boris Ryzhiy. Lego. Poetry". Literary composition based on the poems and diaries of the Ural poet. (Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky)


2014 - Director. Moroshka Theater. Performance "13 songs about love". Musical Hall.


2014 - “Once Upon a Time in Elsinore. Hamlet." St. Petersburg Theater Workshop of Grigory Kozlov. Producer.


2015 - "Love and Lenin." director and playwright. Theater Workshop. (special prize "Breakthrough" Ksenia Morozova for the role of N. Krupskaya)


2016 - The Billy Milligan Story. Theater "Workshop".


2016 - Tyumen BDT. "Dirty". Sketch. Konstantin Steshik (Minsk)


2017 - Tyumen BDT "Gryaznulya" small stage. Director - producer


2017 - Tyumen BDT "Pushkin, Mozart and Salieri" A.S. Pushkin. The author of the dramatization, the artist-producer, the director-producer. (Festival "Beyond the Black River": special prize of St. Petersburg bloggers to S. Skobelev for the role of Salieri; GRAND PRI - Festival for the best work)


2017 - Tyumen BDT "Lord Golovlyov" M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Screenwriter, stage director.


2017 - "Space Odyssey of Major Pronin" - St. Petersburg, theater "Workshop". Screenwriter and director.


2018 - Tears were falling. Theater "Beyond the Black River" based on the film of the same name by George Danelia. Screenplay A. Volodin. (Volodinsky Festival St. Petersburg)


2018 - "Onegin" Pushkin A.S. - author of the dramatization and director, director, theater "Comedian's Shelter" St. Petersburg. (nominated for the "Golden Soffit" by A. Magelatova for the role of Tatyana Larina)


2018 - sketch of the author's poem "In a fishing boat". Poem writer and director. (St. Petersburg, theater "Workshop", festival "Workshop")


2019 - "Meyerhold" - TC "Open Space". Premiere at the F.M. Dostoevsky. (long list of the Golden Mask award for 2019, the festival "Workshop", director's biennale, Moscow, Vakhtangov theatre)


2019 - Samara. Theater "Samarskaya Square". N.V. Gogol "Inspector". Stage director. (Golden Turnip Festival)


2019 (November 14, 2019) - "In the fishing boat" monologues of Galilean fishermen. (large stage, theater "Workshop" St. Petersburg)


Autumn 2019 - project "Shadow" Moscow. An immersive performance based on Shakespeare's Hamlet.


2019 - (December 29, 2019) South Ossetia. State Drama Theater named after K.L. Khetagurova

Director, playwright and artist. The play "KOSTA" about the life and work of the poet. (for contribution to the culture of South Ossetia, the title of Honored Worker of Culture of South Ossetia)


July 2020 –AUDIO LODKA – a sound project together with composer V. Krylov and artists of the Masterskaya Theatre.


2020 – “Waiting for Godot”, based on the play by S. Beckett, director of the online version. Online zoom series.


2020 December - Performance "Karenin" based on the play by V. Sigarev. State Drama Theatre. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya as part of the program to support the theaters of the Min. Cultures of the Russian Federation. ( Festival "Golden Mask" 2022, participant of the "Mask Plus" program


2020 - (premiere December 25). "Diaghilev. The Last Days "- the author of the play and director Roman Gabria. The Diaghilev Seasons festival in cooperation with the Sheremetiev Palace. SPb.

2021 - (premiere September 21, 2021) - The play "Petrusha, are you my son or not?" or "Demons". Based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Demons". Author of the dramatization, director, plastic director, costume and make-up artist. Theater "Workshop" St. Petersburg

2021 - (premiere 27/28 November 2021) - Performance "Holden" Based on Selinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye". Screenwriter, stage director. Theater "Saturday" St. Petersburg

2021 - (premiere January 15/16, 2021) - The play "My dear Helene" Based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya". Stage director. Theatre. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. St. Petersburg

2022 - (premiere February 28, 2022) - The play "Karenin A" L.N. Tolstoy. Screenwriter, stage director. Tyumen BDT. Tyumen

2022 - (Premier April 28, 2022) - The play "Van Gogh's Ear". Screenwriter, stage director.

Tyumen Drama Theater \ stage "Youth". Tyumen

2022 - (premiere on July 29, 30 and 31, 2022) - The play "Little Tragedies. Pushkin." Screenwriter, stage director. Gomel Drama Theatre. Belarus. Gomel

2022 - (premiere 16, September 17, 2022) - The play "Happy Birthday, Dad!" Based on the play "Cat on a Hot Roof" by T. Williams. The author of the dramatization, director, director of plastic. Omsk Academic Drama Theater \ Omsk

2022 - ( premiere October 28, 29, 2022 ) - The performance "Demon" based on the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon". North Ossetian Academic Theater \ Vladikavkaz

2022 - (premiere 2, December 3, 2021) - The play "Baron Munchausen" based on the script by G. Gorin "The Same Munchausen". Stage director. Theatre. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. St. Petersburg

2023 - (premiere on January 28, 2023) - The play "Don Juan" based on Jean-Baptiste Molière. Stage director. Norilsk Polar Drama Theatre. Vl. Mayakovsky. Norilsk

2023 - (premiere March 18, 2023) - The play "Scenes of Married Life" based on the screenplay by Ingmar Bergman. The author of the play. The Open Space Theatre. Saint Petersburg

2023 - (premiere June 24, 2023) - The play "Hottabych". Stage director. Theater "Masterskaya" St. Petersburg

2023 - (premiere July 29, 2023) - The play "Major Kovalev's Nose". The author of the dramatization, stage director. Gomel Drama Theatre. Belarus. Gomel.

2023 – (August 29, 30, 2023) Performance “The Inspector General 2023”. South Ossetia. State Drama Theater named after K.L. Khetagurova

Stage director.

2023 - (Premiere October 20, 21, 22, 2023) - Performance "S-Seagull". Author of the dramatization, stage director.

Tyumen Drama Theatre. Tyumen

2023 - (Premiere 26, 27, 28 December 2023) - Performance "Heart of a Dog". Stage director. Theater "Red Torch". Novosibirsk

2024 - (Premiere March 13, 14, 2024) - Performance "Paralympian". Author of the text, director, production designer. Paratheater Saint Petersburg

2024 - (Premiere March 24, 25, 2024) - Performance "A Month in the Country". Stage director. Theater named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. Saint Petersburg

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